



Unlocking Metaverse Liquidity

Introducing Pool Party NFT (Link)


Introducing SmartRPA

Neighbor to Neighbor Real Estate Transactions (Link)


PyCUDA on Jetson Nano

Set up and get started (+ test code) (Link)

Selenium Webdriver on Jetson Nano

(Python) Set up Chromium Chromedriver and get started. (+ sample code) (Link)

Beginner’s Guide to BlazingSQL

Everything you need to know when starting out with BlazingSQL (Walk-thru Example w/ Code) (Link)

Variables in Python

Understand & set Pythonic variables (Link)

Numbers & Numeric Operations

Types of numbers in Python and how to use them (Link)

Intro to Object-oriented Programming in Python

OOP from the ground up with Examples from Pikachu and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) (Link)

LinkedOut — Automate LinkedIn

Avoid LinkedIn’s Notorious “Incoming” Season by Posting Your Updates with Selenium 2.0 (Link)

Set up Selenium & GeckoDriver (Mac)

3-step how to install & start using Selenium WebDriver Python bindings w/ example (Link)